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Hindi webinar

Posted on 30/04/2022

webinar was organised by by Department of Hindi on 29.04.2022 on 'भक्तिकालीन साहित्य का भारत को विश्व गुरु बनाने में सहयोग .The key speaker were Dr Parveen Verma GGDSD College Palwal and Dr Usha Rani Department of Hindi H.P University,Shimla.Our worthy Principal Dr.Sunidhi Singh precided over the the webinar and pondered upon the relevance of spiritual awakening in India and its effects on Hindi Literature. Dr.Raman, Department of Hindi managed the whole show efficiently and diligently and also discussed the related topic of upsurge of spiritual literature on India.Dr Vijaya Shridhar,Dr Pooja Singh,Dr Poonam Almadi and Kuldeep gave their technical assistance for the success of webinar.The webinar was a great success and proved to be a stepping stone towards highlighting the postulates of Spiritual Literature in Hindi.