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University level camp was organised by Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak

Posted on 26/05/2022

University level camp was organised by Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak from 25th October 2021 to 31st October2021 at CRA Sonipat. Six volunteers from our college actively participated in this camp. Maina(BAJMC-2nd year) Deepika (BBA -2nd year) Kirti( BAJMC-2nd year) Preeti Sharma (BAJMC-1st year) Ruby(BA-3rd year) and Tanu kanth (BAJMC-1st year)Various activities like yoga, cleanliness drive, awareness rallies etc work being organised in the camp. Our student enthusiastically participated in the activities and learnt a lot. Our worthy Principal Dr. Sunidhi congratulated the volunteers for their active participation.