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NSS State Level Camp was organized in chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind from 19th to 25th october 2021. NSS volunteers of GCW

Posted on 29/10/2021

NSS State Level Camp was organized in chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind from 19th to 25th october 2021. NSS volunteers of GCW Shivangi Tiwari from BJMC 1st year and Bindu, from B. A 3rd year participated enthusiastically in the camp. They participated in various activities held during camp i.e. yoga, cleanliness drive, awareness rallies and other sports and cultural activities. OurWorthy Principal Dr. Sunidhi Congratulated students for their active participation in state level camp.NSS incharge Dr. Rachna Saini said that these activities provides platform for the students which helps them to tackle their fears, facilitates in self growth and discipline in life.